Celebrating the Life of
Martha Alice Flanery
August 13, 1936 - September 29, 2020
Program of Service

Processional – “Amazing Grace”
Bagpipes by Marine Veteran, Jonathan Buchan
Invocation/Opening Remarks
Arthur Navarrette, nephew
Hymn “His Eye is on the Sparrow”
David Garcia, son
Sean Flanery, husband
Video Tribute to Alice*
Melyssa Howe, daughter
Symbolic/Communal Candle Lighting
“It is well with my Soul”
Family and Friends invited to share memories of Alice
Hymn “Just a Closer Walk with Thee”
Michael Ayala, nephew
Family invited to follow-on Zoom reception
*Special thanks to Diane Garcia, wife of David, daughter-in-law to Alice and Sean, and sister-in-law to Melyssa for her immense contributions to this service and her compilation of Alice’s tribute video.

Martha Alice Flanery
(August 13, 1936 - September 29, 2020)
"Absent from the body, present with the Lord"

Alice believed with all her heart the words of Jesus, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after death.” The Gospel of John 11:25 spoken to Martha and Mary 2000 years ago still rings true.
Born August 13, 1936 at the Methodist Hospital of Los Angeles, Martha Alice Flanery passed into the glory of the Lord September 29, 2020 in Escondido, California, the community in which she lived for the last 45 years. Alice was raised in the Latin Methodist Church, where she learned to love Christ and music. At a young age she became the church pianist and sang in the choir. Alice possessed the “gift” of being able to play by “ear” the piano accompaniment to any song or tune after listening to only a few bars of music.
After music, Alice’s favorite past time was gardening. She would spend hours every day tending to her beautiful garden in Escondido. She also loved outings to the high desert, something she did frequently with her husband of 52 years to whom she was a humble, truthful, and loving wife.
Although poor health plagued Alice throughout her life, causing her to sacrifice many important family activities and events, she persevered without complaint. God gave her wisdom, enabling her to become a wife of “noble character, her husband’s crown (Proverbs 12:4)”, and helping him to become a stronger person along the way.
Besides her husband, Joseph “Sean” Flanery and siblings Daniel Ayala, Eunice Navarrette, and Hector “Bill” Ayala, Alice is survived by her son, David Garcia, her daughter Melyssa Howe, and her grandchildren Antonio Garcia, Kelsey-Leigh Garcia, and Josephine Howe.
Alice’s life will be celebrated in a Virtual Memorial Service on November 21st at 1pm.
In lieu of flowers
We respectfully request donations in lieu of flowers to

Please send a memory of Martha Alice Flanery

Photo Gallery
The gallery below is a tribute to Martha Alice Flanery from her family and friends.